Isaiah 14:24

Jeremiah 23:5-6

Romans 4:25

Verse 25. Who was delivered. To death. Comp. Acts 2:23.

For our offences. On account of our crimes. He was delivered up to death in order to make expiation for our sins.

And was raised again. From the dead.

For our justification. In order that we may be justified. The word justification here seems to be used in a large sense, to denote acceptance with God; including not merely the formal act by which God pardons sins, and by which we become reconciled to him, but but also the completion of the work--the treatment of us as righteous, and raising us up to a state of glory. By the death of Christ an atonement is made for sin. If it be asked how his resurrection contributes to our acceptance with God, we may answer,

(1.) It rendered his work complete. His death would have been unavailing, his work would have been imperfect, if he had not been raised up from the dead. He submitted to death as a sacrifice, and it was needful that he should rise, and thus conquer death and subdue our enemies, that the work which he had undertaken might be complete.

(2.) His resurrection was a proof that his work was accepted by the Father. What he had done, in order that sinners might be saved, was approved. Our justification, therefore become sure, as it was for this that he had given himself up to death.

(3.) His resurrection is the main-spring of all out hopes, and of all our efforts to be saved. Life and immortality are thus brought to light, 2Ti 1:10. God "hath begotten us again to a lively hope, (a living, active, real hope) by the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead," 1Pet 1:3. Thus the fact that he was raised becomes the ground of hope that we shall be raised and accepted of God. The fact that he was raised, and that all who love him shall be raised also, becomes one of the most efficient motives to us to seek to be justified and saved. There is no higher motive that can be presented to induce man to seek salvation than the fact that he may be raised up from death and the grave, and made immortal. There is no satisfactory proof that man can be thus raised up, but the resurrection of Jesus Christ. In that resurrection we have a pledge that all his people will rise. "For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with him," 1Thes 4:14. "Because I live," said the Redeemer, "ye shall live also," Jn 14:19, 1Pet 1:21.

(c) "delivered" Isa 53:5,6, 2Cor 5:21, Heb 9:28, 1Pet 2:24, Rev 1:5 (d) "raised again" 1Cor 15:17, 1Pet 1:21
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