Luke 1:19

Verse 19. I am Gabriel. The word Gabriel is made up of two Hebrew words, and signifies man of God. This angel is mentioned as having been deputed to inform Daniel that his prayers were heard. Dan 8:16, 9:21.

That stand in the presence of God. To stand in the presence of one is a phrase denoting honour or favour. To be admitted to the presence of a king, or to be with him, was a token of favour. So to stand before God signifies merely that he was honoured or favoured by God. He was permitted to come near him, and to see much of his glory. Comp. 1Kgs 10:8; 12:6; 17:1; Prov 22:29.

And am sent, &c. The angels are "ministering spirits sent forth to minister for them who shall be heirs of salvation," (y) Heb 1:7,14. They delight to do the will of God, and one way of doing that will is by aiding his children here, by succouring the afflicted, and by defending those who are in danger. There is no more absurdity or impropriety in supposing that angels may render such aid, than there is in supposing that good men may assist one another; and there can be no doubt that it affords high pleasure to the angels of God to be permitted to aid those who are treading the dangerous and trying path which leads to eternity. Holiness is the same as benevolence, and holy beings seek and love opportunities to do good to their fellow-creatures. In the eye of holy beings all God's creatures are parts of one great family, and whenever they can do them good they rejoice in the opportunity, at any sacrifice.

These glad tidings. This good news respecting the birth of a son.

(y) Heb 1:14

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