Malachi 3:1

Luke 1:15-17

Verse 15. Shall be great. (q) Shall be eminent, or distinguished as a preacher.

In the sight of the Lord. Greek, before the Lord. That is, shall be really or truly great. God shall regard him as such.

Shall drink neither wine. The kind of wine commonly used in Judea was a light wine, often not stronger than cider in this country. It was the common drink of all classes of the people. Jn 2:11. The use of wine was forbidden only to the Nazarite, Nu 6:3. It was because John sustained this character that he abstained from the use of wine.

Strong drink. (r) It is not easy to ascertain precisely what is meant by this word, but we are certain that it does not mean strong drink in our sense of the term. Distilled spirits were not then known. The art of distilling was discovered by an Arabian chemist in the ninth or tenth century; but distilled liquors are not used by Arabians. They banished them at once, as if sensible of their pernicious influence; nor are they used in Eastern nations at all. Europe and America have been the places where this poison has been most extensively used, and there it has beggared and ruined millions, and is yearly sweeping thousands unprepared into a wretched eternity. The strong drink among the Jews was probably nothing more than fermented liquors, or a drink obtained from fermented dates, figs, and the juice of the palm, or the lees of wine, mingled with sugar, and having the property of producing intoxication. Many of the Jewish writers say that by the word here translated strong drink was meant nothing more than old wine, which probably had the power of producing intoxication. Isa 5:11.

Shall be filled with the Holy Ghost, (s) &c. Shall be divinely designated or appointed to this office, and qualified for it by all needful communications of the Holy Spirit. To be filled with the Holy Spirit is to be illuminated, sanctified, and guided by his influence. In this place it refers --

1st. To the divine intention that he should be set apart to this work, as God designed that Paul should be an apostle from his mother's womb, Gal 1:15.

2nd. It refers to an actual fitting for the work from the birth by the influence of the Holy Spirit, as was the case with Jeremiah (Jer 1:5), and with the Messiah himself, Ps 22:9,10.

(q) Lk 7:28 (r) Nu 6:3 (s) Jer 1:5
Verse 16. Children of Israel. Jews. Descendants of Israel or Jacob.

Shall he turn. By repentance. He shall call them from their sins, and persuade them to forsake them, and to seek the Lord their God.

Verse 17. Shall go before him. (t) Before the Messiah. The connection here leads us to suppose that the word him refers to the "Lord their God" in the previous verse. If so, then it will follow that the Messiah was the Lord God of Israel-- a character abundantly given him in other parts of the New Testament.

In the spirit and power of Elias.

Mt 11:14

To turn the hearts of the fathers to the children. In the time of John the Jews were divided into a number of different sects. Mt 3:7. They were opposed violently to each other, and pursued their opposition with great animosity. It was impossible but that this opposition should find its way into families, and divide parents and children from each other. John came that he might allay these animosities and produce better feeling. By directing them all to one Master, the Messiah, he would divert their attention from the causes of their difference and bring them to union. He would restore peace to their families, and reconcile those parents and children who had chosen different sects, and who had suffered their attachment to sect to interrupt the harmony of their households. The effect of true religion on a family will always be to produce harmony. It attaches all the family to one great Master, and by attachment to him all minor causes of difference are forgotten.

And the disobedient to the wisdom of the just. The disobedient here are the unbelieving, and hence the impious, the wicked. These he would turn to the wisdom of the just, or to such wisdom as the just or pious manifest-- that is, to true wisdom.

To make ready a people (v), &c. To prepare them for his coming by announcing that the Messiah was about to appear, and by calling them to repentance. God has always required men to be pure in a special manner when he was about to appear among them. Thus the Israelites were required to purify themselves for three days when he was about to come down on Mount Sinai, Ex 19:14,15. And so, when God the Son was about to appear as the Redeemer, he required that men should prepare themselves for his coming. So in view of the future judgment--the second coming of the Son of man--he requires that men should repent, believe, and be pure, 1Pet 4:7, 2Pet 3:11,12.

(t) Mal 4:5,6, Mt 11:14, Mk 9:12,13 (u) Ps 111:10

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