Matthew 10:27-32

Verse 27. What I tell you in darkness, etc. That is, in secret, in private, in confidence. The private instructions which I give you while with me, do you proclaim publicly, on the house top. The house top, the flat roof, was a public conspicuous place. See 2Sam 16:22. Mt 9:2. Verse 28. Them which kill the body. That is, men, who have no power to injure the soul, the immortal part. The body is a small matter, in comparison with the soul. Temporal death is a slight thing, compared with eternal death, he directs them, therefore, not to be alarmed at the prospect of temporal death; but to fear God, who can destroy both soul and body for ever. This passage proves that the bodies of the wicked will be raised up to be punished for ever.

In hell. Mt 5:22.

(s) "And fear not" Is 8:12,13, 51:7,12, 1Pet 3:14
Verses 29-31. Are not two sparrows, etc. He encourages them not to fear by two striking considerations: first, that God took care of sparrows, the smallest and least valuable birds; and, secondly, by the fact, that God numbered even the very hairs of the head. The argument is, if he takes care of birds of the least value; if he regards so small a thing as the hair of the head, and numbers it, he will certainly protect and provide for you. You need not, therefore, fear what man can do to you.

Sparrows. Birds of very small kind and value, with a black throat, and brown temples. They were used for food among the Jews; and were an image of sorrow, solitude, and wretchedness. Ps 102:7. "I am as a sparrow alone upon the house top."

Farthing. Mt 5:26.

Without your Father. That is, God your Father guides and directs its fall. It falls only with his permission, and where he chooses.

(1) "farthing" "halfpenny farthing, a 10th part of the Roman penny" Mt 18:28
Verse 30. The hairs--are all numbered. That is, each one has exercised the care and attention of God. He has fixed the number; and though of small importance, yet he does not think it beneath him to determine how few, or how many, they shall be. He will, therefore, take care of you.

(t) "But the very hairs" Acts 27:34
Verses 32,33. Whosoever therefore shall confess me, etc. The same word, in the original, is translated confess and profess, 1Timm 6:12,13, 2Jn 1:7, Rom 10:10. It means, to acknowledge the Lord Jesus Christ, and our dependence on him for salvation, and our attachment to him, in every proper manner. This profession may be made, in uniting with a church; at the communion; in conversation; and in conduct. The Scriptures mean, by a profession of religion, an exhibition of it in every circumstance of the life, and before all men. It is not merely in one act that we must do it, but in every act. We must be ashamed neither of the person, the character, the doctrines, nor the requirements of Christ. If we are; if we deny him in these things before men, or are unwilling to express our attachment to him in every way possible, then it is right that he should disown all connexion with us, or deny us, before God. And he will do it.

(u) "him will I confess" Rev 3:5
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