Philemon 2

Verse 2. And to our beloved Apphia. This was a female, (Gr. αγαπητη,) and was probably the wife of Philemon.

And Archippus our fellow-soldier. Col 4:17. It has been supposed that he was a son of Philemon, and this would appear not to be improbable, as he was one of his family. On the term "fellow-soldier," Php 2:25. It is applied here to one who was a minister of the gospel, and who is spoken of in connection with Paul as enlisted under the banners of the Captain of salvation, and waging a warfare with the wickedness of the world. Comp. 2Ti 2:3, 2Ti 2:4. That Archippus was a minister of the gospel, is clear from Col 4:17.

And to the church in thy house. Either the church that commonly met in his house, or more probably that was composed of his own family. Comp. Rom 16:5.

(c) "Archippus" Col 4:17 (d) "church" Rom 16:5
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