Psalms 17:3

2 Corinthians 1:17

Verse 17. When I therefore was thus minded. When I formed this purpose; when I willed this, and expressed this intention.

Did I use lightness? The word ελαφρια (from ελαφρος) means, properly, lightness in weight. Here it is used in reference to the mind; and in a sense similar to our word levity, as denoting lightness of temper or conduct; inconstancy, changeableness, or fickleness. This charge had been probably made, that he had made the promise without any due consideration, or without any real purpose of performing it; or that he had made it in a trifling and thoughtless manner. By the interrogative form here, he sharply denies that it was a purpose formed in a light and trifling manner.

Do I purpose according to the flesh. In such a manner as may suit my own convenience and carnal interest. Do I form plans adapted only to promote my own ease and gratification, and to be abandoned when they are attended with inconvenience? The phrase "according to the flesh" here seems to mean, "in such a way as to promote my own ease and gratification; in a manner such as the men of the world form; such as would be formed under the influence of earthly passions and desires, and to be forsaken when those plans would interfere with such gratifications." Paul denies in a positive manner that he formed such plans; and they should have known enough of his manner of life to be assured that that was not the nature of the schemes which he had devised? Probably no man ever lived who formed his plans of life less for the gratification of the flesh than Paul.

That with me there should be yea, yea, and nay, nay! There has been a great variety in the interpretation of this passage. See Bloomfield, Crit. Dig. in loco. The meaning seems to be, "That there should be such inconstancy and uncertainty in my counsels and actions, that no one could depend on me, or know what he had to expect from me." Bloomfield supposes that the phrase is a proverbial one, and denotes a headstrong, self-willed spirit, which will either do things or not do them, as he pleases, without giving any reasons. He supposes that the repetition of the words yea and nay is designed to denote positiveness of assertion--such positiveness as is commonly shown by such persons, as in the phrases, "what I have written I have written," "what I have done I have done." It seems more probable however, that the phrase is designed to denote the ready compliance which an inconstant and unsettled man is accustomed to make with the wishes of others; his expressing a ready assent to what they propose; falling in with their views; readily making promises; and instantly, through some whim, or caprice, or wish of others, saying "yea, nay," to the same thing; that is, changing his mind, and altering his purpose without any good reason, or in accordance with any fixed principle or settled rule of action. Paul says that this was not his character. He did not affirm a thing at one time and deny it at another; he did. not promise to do a thing one moment and refuse to do it the next.

(+) "thus minded" "thus purposed" (b) "according to the flesh" 2Cor 10:2 (++) "flesh" "after the manner of men"
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