Romans 8:5-6

Verse 5. For they that are after the flesh. They that are under the influence of the corrupt and sinful desires of the flesh, Gal 5:19-21. Those who are unrenewed.

Do mind the things of the flesh. They are supremely devoted to the gratification of their corrupt desires.

But they that are after the Spirit. Who are under its influence; who are led by the Spirit.

The things of the Spirit. Those things which the Spirit produces, or which he effects in the mind, Gal 5:22, 23. This verse is for the purpose of illustration, and is designed to show that the tendency of religion is to produce as entire a devotedness to the service of God as men had before rendered to sin; that is, that they would be fully engaged in that to which they had devoted themselves. As the Christian, there- fore, had devoted himself to the service of the Spirit, and had been brought under his influence, it was to be expected that he would make it his great and only object to cherish and cultivate the graces which that Spirit would produce.

(l) "the flesh do mind" Jn 3:6, 1Cor 15:48
Verse 6. For to be carnally minded. Margin, "The minding of the flesh." The sense is, that to follow the inclinations of the flesh. or the corrupt propensities of our nature, leads to condemnation and death. The expression is one of great energy, and shows that it not only leads to death, or leads to misery, but that it is death itself; there is woe and condemnation in the very act and purpose of being supremely devoted to the corrupt passions. Its only tendency is condemnation and despair.

Is death. The penalty of transgression; condemnation and eternal ruin. Rom 5:12.

But to be spiritually minded. Margin, "The minding of the Spirit." That is, making it the object of the mind, the end and aim of the actions, to cultivate the graces of the Spirit, and to submit to his influence. To be spiritually minded is to seek those feelings and views which the Holy Spirit produces, and to follow his leadings.

Is life. This is opposed to death in Rom 8:6. It tends to life, and is in fact real life. For, to possess and cultivate the graces of the Spirit, to be led where he would guide us, is the design of our existence, and is the only path of happiness.

And peace. Rom 6:1.

(1) "For to be carnally minded", or "the minding of the flesh" (n) "but to be" Gall 6:8 (2) "spiritually minded", or "the minding of the spirit"
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