Matthew 1:21

Observe here, 1. A prediction of our Savior's birth; the virgin shall bring forth a son.

2. A precept for the imposition of his name; Thou shalt call his name Jesus, that is, a Savior.

3. The reason why that name was given him; because he should save his people, not temporarily, as Joshua did the Israelites from their enemies, but spiritually and externally from their sins; not in their sins but from them; that is, from the guilt and punishment, from the power and dominion, of them.

Observe, 4. The peculiar subjects of this privilege; his people: He shall save his people from their sins.

Learn, 1. That sin is the evil of evils; or that sin considered in itself, is comparatively the greatest and worst of evils.

2. That the great end of Christ's coming into the world, was to be a Savior from this evil.

3. That Christ's own people do want and stand in need of a Savior as well as others; if he does not save them from their sins, they must die in and for their sins, as well as others.

Therefore he saves them from sin in three ways;

1. By obtaining pardon for sin, and in reconciling us to God. 2. By weakening the reigning power of sin, and implanting a new principle of holiness in the heart. 3. By perfecting and accomplishing all these happy beginnings at the end of this life in heaven.

Dr. Hammond's Pract. Catech.

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