Numbers 12:1

Mary and Aaron murmur against Moses, whom God praises above other prophets. Mary being struck with leprosy, Aaron confesses his fault. Moses prays for her, and after seven days’ separation from the camp, she is restored.

1And Miriam and Aaron spoke against Moses, because of his wife, an Ethiopian,
12:1Notice that Miriam’s name is listed first. This indicates that she was putting herself above Aaron as well as Moses, and it is a foreshadowing of those women who wish to put themselves above men by claiming to be ordained as Bishops and priests. Notice also that they first denigrate Moses by criticizing him unfairly. Then they try to life themselves up.(Conte)
12:1 Ethiopian: Sephora the wife of Moses was of Madian, which bordered upon the land of Chus or Ethiopia: where note, that the Ethiopia here spoken of is not that of Africa but that of Arabia.(Challoner)
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