Psalms 109:3

3It is with you from the beginning, in the day of your virtue,
in the splendor of the saints.
From conception, before the light-bearer, I begot you.
109:3The phrase ‘ante luciferum’ has a level of meaning whereby it refers to Lucifer, the devil. The meaning here is that God’s only Son was begotten in eternity, before the Angels were created, before the Angels fell from grace, before Lucifer (the light-bearer) became Satan (the adversary). The phrase ‘ex utero’ does not mean ‘from the womb,’ but has more of the meaning of ‘from conception.’ The word ‘utero’ is often used in Latin to refer to the generative capability (the ability to bring about conception) of men and women. In this case, it refers to the generative capability of the Father to give rise to the Son by procession.(Conte)

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