Revelation of John 13:11

11And I saw another beast ascending from the land. And she had two horns like the Lamb, but she was speaking like the dragon.
13:11When a beast symbolically arises from the sea, this refers to a kingdom that arises from the great sea of different peoples and languages and nations. When a beast arises from the land, this refers to one individual human person, because human persons are made from the dust of the earth. This beast is the false prophetess, a woman. The passage about the harlot (feminine) ruling over the world from the city with seven hills (Rome), makes it clear that the false prophet is a woman and an antipope. Also, later in the book, the beast (i.e. the Antichrist) and the false prophet are thrown alive (body and soul) into Hell. If the Antichrist is a perverse imitation of Christ, then the false prophetess is a perverse imitation of the Virgin Mary. Now Christ and Mary are the only two persons in Heaven with both a human body and a human soul. Therefore, the Antichrist and the false prophet are the only two persons in Hell with both a human body and a human soul; one male and one female, like Jesus and Mary in Heaven, like Adam and Eve in Paradise. All this indicates clearly that the false prophet is really a false prophetess.(Conte)
13:11 Another beast: This second beast with two horns, may be understood of the heathenish priests and magicians; the principal promoters both of idolatry and persecution.(Challoner)
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