Song of Solomon 2:15

15The fig tree has brought forth its green figs; the flowering vines bestow their odor. Rise up, my love, my brilliant one, and advance.
2:15He continues the previous description and he then refers to her by the feminine ‘amica’ and ‘speciosa.’ Again, spring is referred to as a time of opportunity. +Christ calls His Church to notice the signs of the times and to take advantage of opportunities to teach, preach, and seek conversions. The Church shines brilliantly to the whole world and advances in holiness. The green figs represent those who are immature in the Faith, who now have opportunity, in the Church, to advance in holiness.(Conte)
2:15 Catch us the little foxes: Christ commands his pastors to catch false teachers, by holding forth their fallacy and erroneous doctrine, which like foxes would bite and destroy the vines.(Challoner)

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