Song of Solomon 4:8

8Advance from Lebanon, my spouse, advance from Lebanon, advance. You shall be crowned at the head of Amana, near the summit of Senir and Hermon, by the dens of lions, by the mountains of leopards.
4:8The word spouse (‘sponsa’) is feminine, so this is the groom speaking about his bride. The groom will exalt his humble bride, who formerly tended to vineyards and was mistreated by her brothers; he will crown her near the tops of mountains, away from the habitations of men. +The Christ calls his bride the Church to advance in holiness and in influence over the whole world. Many holy and devout Catholic Christians will live in Lebanon, the Middle East, and in northern Africa during the reign of the great monarch and the angelic shepherd. So many Christians will flock to the Holy Land to live there, in Israel, that the surrounding nations will become like the suburbs of Jerusalem, all the way through northern Africa and the Middle East, even though in those nations which are not now Christian and not now holy.(Conte)

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