1 Timothy 5:24

Verse 24

Some men's sins are open beforehand - In appointing men to sacred offices in the Church, among the candidates Timothy would find,

1. Some of whom he knew nothing, but only that they professed Christianity; let such be tried before they are appointed.

2. Some of whose faith and piety he had the fullest knowledge, and whose usefulness in the Church was well known.

3. Some whose lives were not at all or but partially reformed, who were still unchanged in their hearts, and unholy in their lives.

The sins of these latter were known to all; they go before to judgment; with them he could have no difficulty. With the first class he must have more difficulty; there might have been hypocrites among them, whose sins could not be known till after they were brought into the sacred office. The characters of all should be fully investigated. The sins of some, before this investigation, might be so manifest as to lead at once εις κρισιν to condemnation. The sins of others might be found out after, or in consequence of, this investigation; and those that were otherwise could not be long hid from his knowledge, or the knowledge of the Church. On all these accounts the exhortation is necessary: Lay hands suddenly on no man.
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