2 Chronicles 36:1


Jehoahaz made king on the death of his father Josiah, and reigns only three months, 2Chr 36:1, 2Chr 36:2. He is dethroned by the king of Egypt, and Jehoiakim his brother made king in his stead, who reigns wickedly eleven years, and is dethroned and led captive to Babylon by Nebuchadnezzar, 2Chr 36:3-8. Jehoiachin is made king in his stead, and reigns wickedly three months and ten days, and is also led captive to Babylon, 2Chr 36:9, 2Chr 36:10. Zedekiah begins to reign, and reigns wickedly eleven years, 2Chr 36:11, 2Chr 36:12. He rebels against Nebuchadnezzar, and he and his people cast all the fear of God behind their backs; the wrath of God comes upon them to the uttermost; their temple us destroyed; and the whole nation is subjugated, and led into captivity, 2Chr 36:13-21. Cyrus, king of Persia, makes a proclamation to rebuild the temple of the Lord, 2Chr 36:22, 2Chr 36:23.

Verse 1

Took Jehoahaz - It seems that after Necho had discomfited Josiah, he proceeded immediately against Charchemish, and in the interim, Josiah dying of his wounds, the people made his son king.
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