Daniel 2:46-49

Verse 46

The king - fell upon his face - Prostrated himself: this was the fullest act of adoration among the ancients.

Worshipped Daniel - Supposing him to be a god, or Divine being. No doubt Daniel forbade him; for to receive this would have been gross idolatry.
Verse 47

Your God is a God of gods - He is greater than all others.

And a Lord of kings - He governs both in heaven and earth.
Verse 48

Made Daniel a great man - By,

1. Giving him many rich gifts.

2. By making him governor over the whole province of Babylon. And,

3. By making him the chief or president over all the wise men.
Verse 49

Daniel requested of the king, and he set Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego over the affairs of the province of Babylon - He wished his three companions promoted, who had shared his anxieties, and helped him by their prayers. They all had places of trust, in which they could do much good, and prevent much evil.

Daniel sat in the gate of the king - That is, was the chief officer in the palace; and the greatest confidant and counselor of the king. But whatever his influence and that of his friends was, it extended only over the province of Babylon; not through the empire.

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