Esther 6:4-9

Verse 4

Who is in the court? - This accords with the dream mentioned by the Targum; and given above.

Now Haman was come - This must have been very early in the morning. Haman's pride and revenge were both on the tenters to be gratified.
Verse 6

The king said unto him - He did not give him time to make his request; and put a question to him which, at the first view, promised him all that his heart could wish.
Verse 8

Let the royal apparel be brought - Pride and folly ever go hand in hand. What he asked would have been in any ordinary case against his own life: but he wished to reach the pinnacle of honor: never reflecting that the higher he rose, the more terrible would be his fall. The royal apparel was never worn but by the king: even when the king had lain them aside, it was death to put them on. The Targum has purple robes.

And the horse - and the crown royal - Interpreters are greatly divided whether what is called here the crown royal be not rather an ornament worn on the head of the horse, than what may be called the royal crown. The original may be understood both ways; and our version seems to favor the former opinion; but I think it more likely that the royal crown is meant; for why mention the ordinary trappings of the royal steed?
Verse 9

One of the king's most noble princes - Alas, Poor Haman! Never was the fable of the dog and shadow more literally fulfilled. Thou didst gape at the shadow, and didst lose the substance.
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