Isaiah 2:3

Verse 3

To the house - The conjunction ו vau is added by nineteen of Kennicott's, thirteen of De Rossi's MSS., one of my own, and two editions, the Septuagint, Syriac, Vulgate, Arabic, and some copies of the Targum; And to the house. It makes the sentence more emphatic.

He will teach us of his ways - Unless God grant a revelation of his will, what can we know?

We will walk in his paths - Unless we purpose to walk in the light, of what use can that light be to us?

For out of Zion shall go forth the law - In the house of God, and in his ordinances only can we expect to hear the pure doctrines of revelation preached.

1. God alone can give a revelation of his own will.

2. We must use the proper means in order to know this will.

3. We should know it in order to do it.

4. We should do it in order to profit by it.

5. He who will not walk in the light when God vouchsafes it, shall be shut up in everlasting darkness.

6. Every man should help his neighbor to attain that light, life, and felicity: "Come ye, and let us walk in the light of the Lord."
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