Judges 6:1


The Israelites again do evil, and are delivered into the hands of the Midianites, by whom they are oppressed seven years, Jdg 6:1, Jdg 6:2. Different tribes spoil their harvests, and take away their cattle, Jdg 6:3-5. They cry unto the Lord, and he sends them a prophet to reprehend and instruct them, Jdg 6:6-10. An angel appears unto Gideon, and gives him commission to deliver Israel, and works several miracles, to prove that he is Divinely appointed to this work, Jdg 6:11-23. Gideon builds an altar to the Lord, under the name of Jehovah-shalom; and throws down the altar of Baal, Jdg 6:24-27. His townsmen conspire against him; he expostulates with them, and they are pacified, Jdg 6:28-32. The Midianites and Amalekites gather together against Israel; Gideon summons Manasseh, Asher, Zebulun, and Naphtali, who join his standard, Jdg 6:33-35. The miracle of the fleece of wool, Jdg 6:36-40.

Verse 1

Delivered them unto the hand of Midian - The Midianites were among the most ancient and inveterate of the enemies of Israel. They joined with the Moabites to seduce them to idolatry, and were nearly extirpated by them; Num 31:1-12. The Midianites dwelt on the eastern borders of the Dead Sea, and their capital was Arnon.
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