Jeremiah 14:7-9

Verse 7

O Lord, though our iniquities testify against us - We deeply acknowledge that we have sinned, and deserve nothing but death. Yet act for thy name's sake - work in our behalf, that we perish not.
Verse 8

O the hope of Israel - O thou who art the only object of the hope of this people.

The Savior thereof in time of trouble - Who hast never yet abandoned them that seek thee.

Why shouldest thou be as a stranger in the land - As one who has no interest in the prosperity and safety of the country.

And as a way-faring man - A traveler on his journey.

That turneth aside to tarry for a night? - Who stays the shortest time he can; and takes up his lodging in a tent or caravanserai, for the dead of the night, that he may pursue his journey by break of day. Instead of dwelling among us, thou hast scarcely paid the most transient visit to thy land. O come once more, and dwell among us.
Verse 9

Yet thou, O Lord, art in the midst of us - Thy ark, temple, and sacred rites, are all here; and thou thyself, who art every where present, art here also: but alas! thou dost not reveal thyself as the Father of mercies, who forgivest iniquity, transgression, and sin.

We are called by thy name; leave us not - Let us call thee our Father, and say thou to us, "Ye are my sons and daughters!" O leave us not!
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