John 14:23-26

Verse 23

If a man - Not only my present disciples, but all those who shall believe on me through their word, or that of their successors:

Love me - Receive me as his Savior, and get the love of God shed abroad in his heart by the Holy Ghost:

He will keep my words - Observe all my sayings, and have his affections and conduct regulated by my Spirit and doctrine:

My Father will love him - Call him his child; support, defend, and preserve him as such.

And we will come unto him - God the Father, through his Son, will continue to pour out his choicest blessings upon his head and upon his heart:

And make our abode with him - Will make his heart our temple, where God, the Father, Son, and Spirit, shall rest, receive homage, and dwell to eternity. Thus will I manifest myself to the believing, loving, obedient disciple, and not to the world, who will not receive the Spirit of the truth.
Verse 24

He that loveth me not, etc. - Hence we learn that the man who is not obedient to the testimonies of Christ does not love him; and the Spirit of this truth has said, He who loves not the Lord Jesus Christ, let him be accursed, 1Cor 16:22.
Verse 26

He shall teach you all things - If in the things which I have already spoken to you, there appear to you any obscurity, the Holy Spirit, the Advocate, Counsellor, and Instructer, will take away all your doubts, free you from all embarrassment, and give you a perfect understanding in all things: and this Spirit ye shall shortly receive.

And bring all things to your remembrance - Here Christ promises them that inspiration of the Holy Spirit which enabled them not only to give a true history of his life and death, but also gave them the most perfect recollection of all the words which he had spoken to them, so that they have been able to transmit to posterity the identical words which Jesus uttered in his sermons, and in his different discourses with them, the Jews, and others.
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