Malachi 2:4-9

Verse 4

This commandment - That in the first verse; to drive such priests from his presence and his service.

That my covenant might be with Levi - I gave the priesthood and the service of my altar to that tribe.
Verse 5

My covenant was with him of life and peace - These are the two grand blessings given to men by the New Covenant, which was shadowed by the Old. To man, excluded from the favor of God, and sentenced to death because of sin, God gave ברית berith, a covenant sacrifice, and this secured life - exemption from the death deserved by transgressors; communication of that inward spiritual life given by Christ, and issuing in that eternal life promised to all his faithful disciples. And, as it secured life, so it gave peace, prosperity, and happiness; peace between God and man, between man and man, and between man and his own conscience.
Verse 6

The law of truth was in his mouth - See the qualifications of Levi:

1. "He feared me;" he was my sincere worshipper.

2. "He was afraid;" he acted as in the presence of a just and holy God, and acted conscientiously in all that he did.

3. "My law of truth was ever in his mouth;" by this he directed his own conduct and that of others.

4. "No iniquity;" nothing contrary to justice and equity ever proceeded "from his lips."

5. "He walked with me in peace;" he lived in such a way as to keep up union with me.

6. "He did turn many away from iniquity;" by his upright administration, faithful exhortations, and pious walk, he became the instrument of converting many sinners.

This character suits every genuine minister of God. And as the priest's lips should preserve knowledge, so the people should seek "the law at his mouth;" for he is the messenger of the Lord of hosts, Mal 2:7.
Verse 8

But ye are departed out of the way - Ye are become impure yourselves, and ye have led others into iniquity.
Verse 9

Therefore have I also made you contemptible - The people despised you because they saw that you acted contrary to your functions. This has happened repeatedly since, to several classes of priests. Not maintaining, by purity of life and soundness of doctrine, the dignity of the ministerial function, they became contemptible before the people; their meager preaching was disregarded, and their persons at last cast out as a general loathing to the universe! See what happened to the truly abominable priesthood of France and Rome 1796-8. They were the sole cause of that infidelity that brought about the revolution. They are now partially restored; and are endeavouring to supply by grimace, paltry superstition, and jesuitical cunning, what they want in purity of morals, soundness of doctrine, and unction from God. They must mend, or look for another revolution. Mankind will no longer put up with the chaff of puerile and fanatical ceremonies in place of the wheat of God's word and worship.
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