Matthew 20:17-19

Verse 17

And Jesus going up - From Jericho to Jerusalem, See Mat 19:15.
Verse 18

The Son of man shall be betrayed - Or, will be delivered up. This is the third time that our Lord informed his disciples of his approaching sufferings and death. This was a subject of the utmost importance, and it was necessary they should be well prepared for such an awful event.
Verse 19

Deliver him to the Gentiles to mock - This was done by Herod and his Roman soldiers. See Luk 23:11.

To scourge, and to crucify - This was done by Pilate, the Roman governor. The punishment of the cross was Roman not Jewish; but the chief priests condemned him to it, and the Romans executed the sentence. How little did they know that they were, by this process, jointly offering up that sacrifice which was to make an atonement for the Gentiles and for the Jews; an atonement for the sin of the whole world? How often may it be literally said, The wrath of man shall praise thee!
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