Numbers 4:1-4


Moses is commanded to take the sum of the sons of Kohath from thirty years old and upward, Num 4:1-4. The service which they had to perform, Num 4:5-15. The office of Eleazar, Num 4:16. The family of Kohath to be continued among the Levites, Num 4:17-19. They are not to go into the holy of holies, Num 4:20. The sum of the sons of Gershon, Num 4:21-23. The service they had to perform, Num 4:24-27. They are to be under Ithamar, Num 4:28. The sum of the sons of Merari, Num 4:29, Num 4:30. The service they had to perform, Num 4:31-33. The sum of all the families of Kohath, 2,750, Num 4:34-37. The sum of the families of Gershon, 2,630, Num 4:38-41. The sum of the families of Merari, 3,200, Num 4:42-45. The sum total of the families of Gershon, Kohath, and Merari, 8,580, Num 4:46-49.
Verse 3

From thirty years old - In Num 8:24, the Levites are ordered to enter on the service of the tabernacle at the age of twenty-five years; and in 1Chr 23:24, they were ordered to commence that work at twenty years of age. How can these different times be reconciled?

1. At the time of which Moses speaks here, the Levitical service was exceedingly severe, and consequently required men full grown, strong, and stout, to perform it; the age therefore of thirty years was appointed as the period for commencing this service, the weightier part of which is probably here intended.

2. In Num 8:24, Moses seems to speak of the service in a general way; the severe, which was to be performed by the full-grown Levites, and the less laborious work which younger men might assist in: hence the age of twenty-five is fixed.

3. In David's time and afterwards, in the fixed tabernacle and temple, the laboriousness of the service no longer existed, and hence twenty years was the age fixed on for all Levites to enter into the work of the sanctuary. The rabbins say that the Levites began to learn to do the service at twenty-five, and that having been instructed five years, they began the public service at thirty, and thus they reconcile the two periods referred to above. We may well suppose that the sons of the prophets continued a considerable time under instructions before they were called fully to exercise themselves in the prophetic office.

Until fifty years old - This was allowing twenty years for public severe service; a very considerate and merciful ordinance. A preacher who devotes his whole time and strength to the service of the Church of God from twenty to fifty or sixty years of age, should be then excused from his severer labor, and maintained at the charge of the sanctuary. This would not only be a great comfort to a worn-out servant of God, but also of great use to the work of the ministry, which, to be faithfully and effectually performed, requires all the powers of the body and mind of man. Old faithful ministers are to be highly respected for their work's sake, and to be supplied with all the necessaries and comforts of life; but how little can they do in the public ministry of the word, however willing to work, when their eye waxes dim and their bodily strength fails! See Num 8:25. Both for their own sakes, and for the good of the Church, they should be excused from a labor to which they must be almost every way inadequate. But notwithstanding this comparative inactivity, their counsels, advice, and experience will always be considered as a treasure to the Church of Christ
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