Proverbs 3:1-4


An exhortation to obedience, Pro 3:1-4; trust in God's providence, Pro 3:5, Pro 3:6; to humility, Pro 3:7, Pro 3:8; to charity, Pro 3:9, Pro 3:10; to submission to God's chastening, Pro 3:11, Pro 3:12. The profitableness of wisdom in all the concerns of life, Pro 3:13-26. No act of duty should be deferred beyond the time in which it should be done, Pro 3:27, Pro 3:28. Brotherly love and forbearance should he exercised, Pro 3:29, Pro 3:30. We should not envy the wicked, Pro 3:31, Pro 3:32. The curse of God is in the house of the wicked; but the humble and wise shall prosper, Pro 3:33-35.
Verse 2

For length of days - Three eminent blessings are promised here:

1. ארך ימים orech yamim, long days;

2. שנות חיים shenoth chaiyim, years of lives;

3. שלום shalom, prosperity; i.e. health, long life, and abundance.
Verse 3

Let not mercy and truth forsake thee - Let these be thy constant companions through life.

Bind them about thy neck - Keep them constantly in view. Write them upon the table of thine heart - let them be thy moving principles; feel them as well as see them.
Verse 4

So shalt thou find favor - Thou shalt be acceptable to God, and thou shalt enjoy a sense of his approbation.

And good understanding - Men shall weigh thy character and conduct; and by this appreciate thy motives, and give thee credit for sincerity and uprightness. Though religion is frequently persecuted, and religious people suffer at first where they are not fully known; yet a truly religious and benevolent character will in general be prized wherever it is well known. The envy of men is a proof of the excellence of that which they envy.
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