Proverbs 7:1-5


A farther exhortation to acquire wisdom, in order to be preserved from impure connections, Pro 7:1-5. The character of a harlot, and her conduct towards a youth who fell into her snare, vv. 6-23. Solemn exhortations to avoid this evil, Pro 7:24-27.

Verse 1

My son, keep my words - See Pro 2:1.
Verse 2

As the apple of thine eye - As the pupil of the eye, which is of such essential necessity to sight, and so easily injured.
Verse 3

Bind them upon thy fingers - See on Pro 3:3 (note).
Verse 4

Thou art my sister - Thou art my dearest friend, and I will treat thee as such.
Verse 5

The strange woman - The prostitute, the adulteress.
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