Psalms 86:1-8


The psalmist prays to God for support, from a conviction that he is merciful, good, ready to forgive, and that there is none like him, Psa 86:1-8; all nations shall bow before him because of his wondrous works, Psa 86:9, Psa 86:10; he prays to be instructed, and promises to praise God for his great mercy, Psa 86:11-13; describes his enemies, and appeals to God, Psa 86:14-16; begs a token for God, that his enemies may be confounded, Psa 86:17.

The title attributes this Psalm to David; and in this all the versions agree: but in its structure it is the same with those attributed to the sons of Korah; and was probably made during the captivity. It is a very suitable prayer for a person laboring under affliction from persecution or calumny.

Verse 1

Bow down thine ear - Spoken after the manner of men: I am so low, and so weak, that, unless thou stoop to me, my voice cannot reach thee.

Poor and needy - I am afflicted, and destitute of the necessaries of life.
Verse 2

Preserve my soul - Keep it as in a strong place.

For I am holy - כי חשיד אני ki chasid ani, for I am merciful. The spirit of this prayer is, "The mercy I to others show,

That mercy show to me!"

Save thy servant - I have long taken thee as my Master and Lord; I receive the word from thy mouth, and obey thee.
Verse 3

Be merciful unto me - I have no merit; I plead none, but trust in thee alone.

I cry unto thee daily - My state deeply affects me; and I incessantly cry for thy salvation.
Verse 4

Rejoice the soul of thy servant - I want spiritual blessings; I want such consolations as thou dost impart to them that love thee; I present that soul to thee which I wish thee to console.
Verse 5

For thou, Lord, art good - I found my expectations of help on thy own goodness through which thou art always ready to forgive. And I found it also on thy well-known character, to which all thy followers bear testimony, viz., that "thou art plenteous in mercy unto all them that call upon thee."
Verse 6

Give ear, O Lord - Attend to me. Millions call upon thee for help and mercy; but who has more need than myself? That the psalmist was deeply in earnest, his conduct shows.

1. He prayed.

2. His prayer was vehement; he lifted up his voice.

3. He continued in prayer; he abounded in supplications.
Verse 7

Thou wilt answer me - Because thou art good, merciful, and ready to forgive; and I call upon thee fervently, and seek thee in thy own way.
Verse 8

Among the gods there is none like unto thee, O Lord - None that trusted in an idol ever had help in time of need; none that prayed to any of them ever had an answer to his petitions. Thou savest; they cannot; thou upholdest; they must be upheld by their foolish worshippers. Thou art my Director, אדני Adonai; but they cannot direct nor teach; they have mouths, but they speak not.
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