Revelation of John 1:9

Verse 9

Your brother - A Christian, begotten of God, and incorporated in the heavenly family.

Companion in tribulation - Suffering under the persecution in which you also suffer.

In the kingdom - For we are a kingdom of priests unto God.

And patience of Jesus - Meekly bearing all indignities, privations, and sufferings, for the sake and after the example of our Lord and Master.

The isle that is called Patmos - This island is one of the Sporades, and lies in the Aegean Sea, between the island of Icaria, and the promontory of Miletus. It is now called Pactino, Patmol, or Palmosa. It has derived all its celebrity from being the place to which St. John was banished by one of the Roman emperors; whether Domitian, Claudius, or Nero, is not agreed on, but it was most probably the latter. The island has a convent on a well fortified hill, dedicated to John the apostle; the inhabitants are said to amount to about three hundred men, and about twenty women to one man. It is very barren, producing very little grain, but abounding in partridges, quails, turtles, pigeons, snipes, and rabbits. It has many good harbours, and is much infested by pirates. Patmos, its capital and chief harbour, lies in east Long. 26 24', north Lat. 37 24'. The whole island is about thirty miles in circumference.

For the testimony of Jesus Christ - For preaching Christianity, and converting heathens to the Lord Jesus.
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