Revelation of John 10:5-7

Verse 5

Lifted up his hand to heaven - As one making an appeal to the supreme Being.
Verse 6

By him that liveth for ever and ever - The eternal, self-existent Jehovah, the Maker of all things.

That there should be time no longer - That the great counsels relative to the events already predicted should be immediately fulfilled, and that there should be no longer delay. This has no reference to the day of judgment.
Verse 7

The mystery of God should be finished - What this mystery refers to who knows? Nor have we more knowledge concerning the sounding of the seventh angel. On these points there is little agreement among learned men. Whether it mean the destruction of Jerusalem, or the destruction of the papal power, or something else, we know not. And yet with what confidence do men speak of the meaning of these hidden things!

Declared to his servants the prophets - It is most likely, therefore, that this trumpet belongs to the Jewish state.
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