Romans 12:3

Verse 3

Through the grace given unto me - By the grace given St. Paul most certainly means his apostolical office, by which he had the authority, not only to preach the Gospel, but also to rule the Church of Christ. This is the meaning of the word, ἡ χαρις, in Eph 3:8 : Unto me who am less than the least of all saints is this grace given - is conceded this office or employment immediately by God himself; that I should preach among the Gentiles the unsearchable riches of Christ.

Not to think - more highly - Μη ὑπερφρονειν, Not to act proudly; to arrogate nothing to himself on account of any grace he had received, or of any office committed to him.

But to think soberly - Αλλα φρονειν εις το σωφρονειν. The reader will perceive here a sort of paronomasia, or play upon words: φρονειν, from φρην, the mind, signifies to think, mind, relish, to be of opinion, etc.; and σωφρονειν from σοος, sound, and φρην, the mind, signifies to be of a sound mind; to think discreetly, modestly, humbly. Let no man think himself more or greater than God has made him; and let him know that what ever he is or has of good or excellence, he has it from God; and that the glory belongs to the giver, and not to him who has received the gift.

Measure of faith - Μετρον πιστεως. It is very likely, as Dr. Moore has conjectured, that the πιστις, faith, here used, means the Christian religion; and the measure, the degree of knowledge and experience which each had received in it, and the power this gave him of being useful in the Church of God. See Rom 12:6.
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