Romans 12

1:1 called (f-7) 'A called apostle,' i.e. an apostle by (divine) calling. Cf. ver. 7 'called saints,' and see note there.12:2 conformed (i-4) As 1Pet. 1.14. 'world' as 1Cor. 1.20. prove (k-20) Lit. 'to your proving.' 12:3 wise, (l-37) So as to have a sober judgment, 'to think soberly,' as 'sensible,' Luke 8.35. 12:8 simplicity; (m-11) Or 'with liberality;' from 'giving without hesitation,' or 'not avoiding to give on false excuses,' it has come to mean 'readily and liberally.' 12:10 it (a-19) 'Taking the lead in paying it' is a paraphrase, but I know not how to present the sense more briefly. 12:11 spirit (b-8) Or 'by the Spirit.' See Note at ch. 8.9. serving (c-10) The word means 'to serve as a bondman' douleuo. It is different from the words used for service in ver. 1 (which is from latreuo), and for service in ver. 7 (which is from diakoneo). See 1Cor. 4.1. 12:16 lowly. (d-17) Or 'with what is lowly.' 12:17 providing (e-8) Taking care by forethought that there should be what is comely and seemly. See 'forethought,' ch. 13.14; 2Cor. 8.21. 12:19 written, (f-13) See Deut. 32.35. 12:20 head. (g-27) See Prov. 25.21-22.
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