Genesis 19:1-10

Lot leaves Sodom

1The 2 angels arrived at Sodom. It was evening. Lot was sitting at the city gate. Lot saw the angels. He got up to meet them. He bowed down. He put his face to the ground. 2Lot said ‘My lords, please come to my house. You can wash your feet and stay the night there. You can continue your journey early in the morning.’ The angels replied, ‘No, we will stay the night in the square.’
19:2 The square is a large open space. It is in the middle of the city. People often meet there.

3But Lot asked them to stay with him again. So they went with Lot. The angels went to Lot’s house. Lot prepared a meal for them. He made special bread. The angels ate the food.
19:3 This special bread was quick to make. It did not have any yeast. Cooks put yeast in other bread to make it rise.

4They had not yet gone to bed. All the men from every part of Sodom came to the house. Old and young men came. They were all outside the house. 5The men said ‘Where are the men who are staying with you tonight? Bring them out to us so that we can have sex with them’ 6Lot went outside to the men. He shut the door of his house. 7Lot said, ‘No, my friends. Do not do this bad thing. 8I have 2 daughters. They have never had sex with a man. Let me bring them out to you. You can do whatever you want with them. But do not do anything to these men. They are staying at my house. I cannot let anyone hurt them.’ 9The men from the city said ‘Get out of our way. You are a foreign person in this city. Now you are telling us what to do! We will do worse things to you.’ They pushed Lot. They began to break the door of his house. 10The 2 men inside the house pulled Lot. They pulled him back into his house. They shut the door.
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