1 Peter 4:7

2 Peter 3:8

A thousand years as one day; in comparison with eternity, and as to the certainty of what God has declared. What he has determined to accomplish a thousand years hence, is just as sure as if he had determined to accomplish it to-morrow. Compare the words of Moses: "A thousand years in thy sight are but as yesterday when it is past." Ps 90:4.

2 Peter 3:12

Hasting unto; preparing for and earnestly desiring the salvation which will be given to God's people.

Revelation of John 22:20

He; Jesus Christ.

I come quickly; to call each one to give an account of his stewardship, and to enter, according to his conduct and character, on the retributions of eternity. Whatever we do for our own salvation, or that of others, we must do soon; for in the grave to which we are hastening, there is no work. Ec 9:10.
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