2 Thessalonians 2:4

Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God; opposeth the gospel of Christ as revealed in the Bible, and persecutes those who embrace it. See the history of Wickliffe, Huss, and Jerome of Prague, of the Waldenses, of the Inquisition, of Mary queen of England, and of St. Bartholomew's day in France. Who invades the prerogatives of God, pretending to be the head of the church, to forgive sins, and to do what God himself cannot do--grant indulgences to commit sins. See the history of pope Leo X., of the archbishop of Mayence, of Tetzel, and of papal indulgences. Who practically annuls the laws of God, and substitutes for them the commandments of men; as when the council of Trent decreed, "Whosoever shall say that it is not more blessed to remain in virginity or celibacy than to be joined in marriage, let him be accursed;" and when the pope says, "Be careful to preserve the people not only from the reading of papers, but from the reading of the Bible"--"shun with horror the reading of such deadly poison;" thus exalting himself above the word of God. See the Catechism of Dr. James Butler, Dens' Moral Theology, and other papal works.

As God; assuming the right to control the conscience, receiving the titles, and claiming the honors which belong only to God--called by his deluded followers, "Our Lord God the Pope," "Another God upon earth," "King of kings and Lord of lords." See Newton on the Prophecies.
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