2 Thessalonians 2:9-12

After the working of Satan; by his aid, and like him deceitful, crafty, and wicked.

Lying wonders; pretending to work miracles when they do not, and the pretence is a lie designed to delude the ignorant. 9-12. Satan has had much to do in the rise and progress of popery, and now has much to do in sustaining it, by wars and bloodshed, persecution and cruelty, deceit and falsehood, and by those pretended miracles and lying wonders, by which multitudes, who receive not the truth in the love of it, are deceived to their destruction.
Deceivableness of unrighteousness; all deceitful arts and practices to promote their selfish and unrighteous schemes.

In them that perish; added to show over whom the wicked and lying arts of the man of sin have power.

Because they received not; still further added to show why the men just spoken of perish.

It is the truth; did not give the truth a loving reception, because they hated it and chose error in its stead.
For this cause; because they hate and reject the truth.

Shall send them strong delusion; permit it in his providence to come upon them as a righteous judgment for their hatred and rejection of the truth.

Believe a lie; those lying wonders and false immoral doctrines propagated by the man of sin, to the deceiving and ruining of multitudes who take pleasure in unrighteousness.

1 Timothy 4:1-3

In his farewell address to the elders of Ephesus, Paul forewarns them that after his departure grievous wolves shall enter in among them, not sparing the flock, and that also of their own selves shall men arise speaking perverse things, to draw away disciples after them. Ac 20:29,30. Whatever view may be held respecting the date of the present epistle, it is plain that the apostle here refers to the same corrupt leaders and teachers. But he connects their appearance with that great apostasy foretold in his second epistle to the Thessalonians, chap 2Th 2:3-12. Of this these "grevious wolves" were the forerunners. In and through them that "mystery of iniquity" was already working, the full development of which came when he who then hindered was taken out of the way. 2Th 2:7.

From the faith; from the doctrine of faith in Christ as the only foundation of hope.

Doctrines of devils; such as Satan tempts men to embrace, as the worshipping of images, praying to the Virgin Mary or departed saints, and relying on external connections and observances for salvation. The errors of popery are a fulfilment of Scripture, having been expressly and clearly foretold by the Holy Spirit. They are therefore conclusive evidence that the Bible is given by inspiration of God.
Speaking lies in hypocrisy; or, in the hypocrisy of those who speak lies, inculcating on the people as true what they know to be false; such as the power of the priests to forgive sins, the pretended working of miracles by the relics of saints, the liquifying of the blood of St. Januarius, and the weeping of the statue of the Virgin Mary.

Seared with a hot iron; branded with the marks of their wicked deeds. Their sins are, as it were, burnt in upon their consciences. They are hardened transgressors, who carry about in their own souls the consciousness of their hypocrisy and wickedness, and are indifferent to it. To pretend to be what one is not, and by hypocrisy and lying obtain money, power, and influence awfully blinds the mind, sears the conscience, and hardens the heart.
Forbidding to marry; as popery forbids the clergy, and induces monks and nuns to take vows of celibacy, declaring, as did the council of Trent, "Whosoever shall say that the married state is to be preferred to a state of virginity or celibacy, let him be accursed."

Commanding to abstain from meats; as popery does during Lent, on fast-days, and days of abstinence. See Butler's Catechism and Dens' Theology.

To be received; for food, and eaten by believers who know the will of God, during Lent as well as at other times.
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