Ephesians 6:9

Do the same things; be governed by the same supreme regard to God which is inculcated on servants, and manifest the same kind, benevolent, and cheerful readiness to please God in your conduct towards them, which they are required to manifest in their conduct towards you.

Forbearing threatening; avoiding it, and seeking to win them to the love and service of God. They are your brethren, children of the same heavenly Father, redeemed by the same almighty Saviour, and you must stand with them before the same impartial Judge.

Neither is there respect of persons with him; you will not be favored because you are masters., nor they less favored because they are servants. Your more elevated position increases your responsibility, and if you do not possess and manifest the spirit of Christ, will increase your condemnation. Masters are bound to be servants of Christ, doing his will from the heart, and manifesting towards their servants his spirit; doing to them in all things as, under a change of circumstances, they ought to wish their servants to do to them; knowing that Christ requires this, and that they are both to stand before him in judgment, and to receive for eternity, not according to their outward condition, but according to their character and conduct.
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