Hebrews 11:32-40

Gideon; Jud 6.1-8.35.

Barak; Jud 4.1-5.31.

Samson; Jud 13.1-16.31.

Jephthae; Jud 11.1-12.15.

David; 1Sa 16:1-13.

Samuel; 1Sa 1:20.

The prophets; Mt 5:12.
33, 34. For examples, see the references. 33-40. No victories ever won compare with those of faith. Its triumphs no earthly tongue can speak or pen describe. They are written in the book of life, and will be told with immortal tongues, by multitudes which no man can number, in strains of glory rising higher and higher, and growing sweeter and sweeter to endless ages. Women received their dead; 1Ki 17:17-23; 2Ki 4:32-37.

Others were tortured; from this point onward examples are included of those who lived after the record of the Old Testament was closed, some of whose sufferings for the truth's sake are recorded in the books of Maccabees, and in Josephus' account of the same times.

A better resurrection; to a life of everlasting glory.
A good report; they are in Scripture commended as good men, and their faith by which they persevered in duty held up as worthy of imitation to all succeeding ages.

The promise; the great thing promised, namely, the Messiah and the blessings of the gospel.
Some better thing; the fulfilment of God's promises in the coming of Christ and the blessings which he conferred.

Not be made perfect; without the fulfilment of these promises, which we witness, and in the faith of which they lived, and died, and went to glory.
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