Isaiah 28:16

1 Corinthians 3:10-15

I have laid the foundation; Paul first preached to the Corinthians Christ crucified, an atoning sacrifice for sin, as the only and all-sufficient foundation for human hope; and gathered such as appeared to believe on him into the church.

Another buildeth; others afterwards preached to them, and admitted to their number such as professed to be converted.

Take heed; let them be careful as to what doctrines they preach, and what practices they encourage; and see that both are according to the revealed will of God.
Jesus Christ; he is the only sure foundation of human hope; and his true church is composed of such, and such only, as trust in him. Isa 28:16; Mt 21:42; Ac 4:11; Eph 2:20; 2Ti 2:19; 1Pe 2:6. The only foundation of the true church is Jesus Christ; and none belong to it except those who believe on him. Others may have an outward connection as members, but they have no saving union with the Head. They are dead members, who will be cut off--dry branches, which bear no fruit, and will be taken away. Joh 15:2. Gold, silver, precious stones; if he preach the pure truths of God, from love to him and in humble dependence on his grace, and thus build up the church.

Wood, hay, stubble; if he preach error, or the speculations of men.
Made manifest; shown to be what it really is.

The day; the day of judgment will make it known.

Revealed by fire; as fire shows the difference between gold and wood, or silver and stubble, so the day of judgment will show the difference between the works of different men. A day is coming when every man's character and work will be tried. Those who have attempted to build a church on Peter or Paul, or any mere creature, or who are trusting for salvation to any outward connection with the church, without being justified by faith in Christ and governed by love to him, will be disappointed and condemned.
If any man's work abide; if his preaching and practice are approved, he shall receive a reward; a reward of grace. If any man's work shall be burned; if it be condemned as wrong, though he himself believed and is pardoned, he shall suffer loss; he shall lose his labor, and much of the good which might have resulted from a different and better course of conduct.

He himself shall be saved; yet so as by fire; as he who escapes naked from his house on fire, is saved from being consumed, but suffers loss.

Ephesians 2:19-22

Are built; into a spiritual temple.

The foundation of the apostles and prophets; the foundation laid by them; in other words, the doctrine preached by them, the corner-stone of which is Jesus Christ. The fact, that in describing the foundation of the church, Paul, under the guidance of the Holy Ghost, says nothing of Peter, but teaches that it is built on Christ, as preached by apostles and prophets, is conclusive evidence that the belief of its being built on Peter, or any mere creature, is an error.
In whom; not in Peter or Paul, but in Christ; in whom all true Christians believe, and on whom they rely for salvation.

Groweth; as a living temple made of living stones, 1Pe 2:5.
Ye also; ye Gentiles, as well as the Jews.

For a habitation of God through the Spirit; God dwells in the hearts of his people who are united to him through faith and love, and thus each believer is his temple. Isa 57:15; Joh 14:23; 17:21,23,26. In like manner he dwells in his church, which is made up of believers united to him and to each other, and thus the church is, as here, his temple. Compare 1Co 3:16; 1Pe 2:5. The church of God is not composed merely of ministers of the gospel, but of all who are united by faith to Jesus Christ, and in whom he dwells by his Spirit.
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