John 4:13-14

Earthly blessings, however numerous and great, cannot satisfy the desires of men. But the blessings of the Holy Spirit, which Christ gives to those who ask him, furnish and secure to them satisfying and eternal joys. The water that I shall give him; the Holy Spirit shall dwell in him, and satisfy his soul.

Shall never thirst; he does not mean that one draught shall satisfy him, but that he shall always have in his soul a well of living water, from which he shall continually drink and be satisfied.

John 10:28-29

Is greater than all; see note to chap Joh 14:28.

1 Peter 1:2-9

According to the foreknowledge--through sanctification--unto obedience and sprinkling; the apostle states three particulars concerning their election: first, it is in accordance with God's foreknowledge; in other words, it is the carrying out in action of his eternal foreknowledge, which includes his purpose; secondly, it is through the sanctification of the Holy Spirit, as the agent; thirdly, it is unto obedience and the sprinkling of Christ's blood, as the end. All who are elected, then, are elected to be brought into a state of obedience and purification from sin, through the power of God's Spirit, and the efficacy of Christ's blood, called the blood of sprinkling, because it cleanses the conscience from the guilt and defilement of sin. Heb 9:18-23. A lively hope; more literally, a living hope. The Christian's hope is a living principle, and sustains his spiritual life.

By the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead; this lies at the foundation of the regenerating power of the Spirit, with the living hope that accompanies it; for the Spirit works through the truth, verse 1Pe 1:22; Jas 1:18.
In the last time; at the end of the world. Those who believe on Christ must persevere in holiness in order to be saved; and the manner in which God keeps them affords the greatest encouragement to do this. If need be; if it seem good to God that it be so for your spiritual profit. Compare Heb 12:6-11. The trial of your faith; that is, the result of its being tried; or, which amounts to the same thing, your faith itself after it has been so tried; for it is not the trial that is precious, but its product.

Than of gold; more literally, than gold.

Though it be tried with fire; judged worth such a trial, notwithstanding its perishable nature, while your faith is imperishable.
Receiving--the salvation of your souls; eternal life begins in the soul with the beginning of faith in Christ, which has this for its end; though the full possession of it is reserved for the life to come. God never sends trials on his people, or allows snares to beset them, except when their good requires it. Their faith often needs to be tried, to show whether it is genuine; and when these tests prove that it is, and that its end will be salvation, this greatly increases their joy.
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