Luke 10:18

I beheld Satan--fall from heaven; the casting of Satan from heaven--probably with allusion to his original fall from heaven--means casting him out of his power over this world. Compare Re 12:7-9. This the Saviour saw from eternity in its beginning and completion. Every time that he encountered Satan, he overcame him; and the casting out of devils in his name was a sign and pledge that Satan, the prince of devils, shall, through the progress of His gospel, be finally cast out of all his power over this world.

Luke 11:21-22

Revelation of John 20:1-3

The remnant; of the armies that followed them, verse Re 19:19. Satan; though his agents, the beast, the false prophet, and those who cooperated with them, had been destroyed, Satan still lived, and if permitted, would tempt men to persecute the church. That he should deceive the nations no more; not be permitted to have influence over men, to seduce them into error, tempt them to sin, or afflict them by persecution.

He must be loosed; again suffered to tempt men, excite their evil passions, and influence them to array themselves against Christ and his cause. Though Satan is a powerful, malignant, and artful spirit, who has for ages deceived the nations and led vast multitudes to ruin, yet he is under divine control. He can go no further than God shall suffer: when God sees best, He can bind, imprison, and so restrain him, that men shall no longer be under his influence, or annoyed by his wiles.
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