Luke 14:24-33

None of those men--taste of my supper; a solemn announcement of the coming rejection of the Jews as a nation for their unbelief. But the words apply in all their force to the multitudes now in Christian lands who despise and neglect the gospel, while converts from among the heathen nations are multiplied. God is angry with men who will not accept of his salvation, and be for ever happy; and when for ever miserable, they will see that no part of the blame attaches to him, but that it all belongs to them. Great multitudes with him; without any suitable apprehension of the self-denial which his service would require of them. Hate not; if he be not willing for my sake to leave father and mother. Mt 10:37. A tower; a high building, erected for observation and defence. Ambassage; persons sent from one government to another, to represent the interests of their country. The point of this and the preceding comparison is, that they who undertake Christ's service should count the cost beforehand. Forsaketh not all; all that stands in the way of duty--all that would hinder a man from doing the known will of God.
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