Luke 24:13-31

Two of them; not of the eleven apostles, but of the other disciples.

Threescore furlongs; ten ancient furlongs are equivalent to the modern geographical mile. The distance from Jerusalem to Emmaus was, then, about six geographical, or nearly seven English miles.
Their eyes were holden; kept from discovering who he was. Mr 16:12. Cleopas; supposed to be the same as Alpheus, the father of James the less and Jude. Redeemed Israel; they were thinking of an outward deliverance from bondage to the Romans, and the restoration of the kingdom to Israel. Compare Ac 1:6. O fools; this is not the same word in the original as that which Christ condemns. Mt 5:22. That implied great wickedness; this, dulness, want of reflection and discernment, as manifested in not better understanding his teaching and the Scriptures.

Slow of heart; indisposed and reluctant to believe that he must die. A more intimate acquaintance with the Scriptures, and a better understanding of them, would throw great light upon the providence of God; while it would support his people in trials, would nerve them for duty, and furnish them more thoroughly for every good work.
Ought not Christ; was it not needful, in order to fulfil the prophecies, that the Messiah should die? Did they not clearly foretell that he would be cut off, but not for himself? Da 9:26. At Moses; the books which Moses wrote, the first books of the Old Testament.

The things concerning himself; some of these things are mentioned in Ge 3:15; 49:10; Nu 21:8,9; De 18:15; Isa 9:6,7; Isa 53:1-12; Ps 16.1-11, 22.1-31, 110.1-7; Da 9:25-27; Mal 4:2-6.
Made as though he would have gone further; he kept on, giving no intimation that he would stop, till they entreated him to do so. Constrained him; by their entreaties. Sat at meat; reclined, as the custom was, at supper.

Blessed it; asked the blessing of God, and gave thanks: in this he hath set us an example which we should follow.
Their eyes were opened; the difficulties in the way of their knowing him were removed.

He vanished; disappeared. They saw him no more.
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