Mark 2

Blaze abroad; openly and publicly proclaim it.

Could no more; this shows the manner in which could, could not, and other words denoting ability or inability, are sometimes used in the Bible--referring not to natural power, but to difficulties which stand in the way, and the disposition of a person to encounter and overcome them. It was said of Joseph's brethren, Ge 37:4, that they "could not speak peaceably unto him." This was for want of disposition, not of power.
The word; the word of God, the truths of the gospel. Borne of four; carried by four men. Mt 9:2-8. Press; the crowd of people.

Uncovered the roof; the roofs of the houses were then flat, and the sick man could be let down from them into the presence of Jesus.
Their faith; their confidence in his willingness and power to heal. Sickness is often the means of leading men to feel their need of divine help; and application to Christ, with strong confidence in him, is the way to obtain it. Perceived in his spirit; by his knowledge of their hearts. The manner in which Jesus Christ, when on earth, performed miracles, showed that he was able to forgive sins, and of course was truly divine. Hath power; authority, right, and ability. Thy bed; the small couch on which he lay. On this fashion; they never before saw any one who could thus cure the palsy. Seaside; the sea of Galilee. Mt 4:18. Hope of temporal blessings will often draw together multitudes of people; and when they are assembled, ministers of the gospel, if they have fit opportunity, should address them on the superior value of spiritual blessings, and point out the way to obtain them. Levi; the same as Matthew, Mt 9:9. It was common among the Jews to have two or more names. 15-17. Christ eats with publicans. Mt 9:10-13. Kind social dealings at proper times, with all sorts of persons, in order to do them good, is essential to the highest excellence and the greatest usefulness; and none are so exalted, that they ought to think it beneath them. From all the occurrences of life we should endeavor to draw important instruction, and as we have opportunity, should communicate it for the benefit of others. 18-22. Disciples fasting. Mt 9:14-17. 23-25. Plucking the ears of corn. Mt 12:1-4. Abiathar the high-priest; in the days of Abiathar, who was afterwards high-priest. It appears from 1Sa 21:1-6, that Ahimelech was high-priest when David ate the show-bread. But Abiathar his son shortly after succeeded him, and was high-priest when David was king. The Sabbath was made for man; at the creation, Ge 2:2,3, for his benefit and happiness.

Not man for the Sabbath; it is not, by superstitious observance, to be perverted to a denial of the just claims of mercy. The day is to be kept in such a manner as God has shown to be best suited to make men holy, and fit them for that rest which remains for his people. Heb 4:9. As the Sabbath was made for the whole human race, they have a right to its rest and privileges. This right does not come from men, but from God, and its exercise is essential to their present and future good. It should therefore be highly prized and faithfully used, according to his command. Ex 20:8.
Therefore; because the Sabbath was made for man. The argument is from the design of the Sabbath. Since it was made for man's good, the Son of man, who is God in human nature, who has come to redeem man, and who has all things pertaining to man's good in his own hands, must also be the Lord of the Sabbath. Let the reader compare this passage with Mt 12:1-8, and see how the argument continually rises. First, the Saviour justifies his disciples from an exceptional case, that of David when he was hungry; secondly, from the standing custom of profaning the Sabbath in its outward letter by the preparation of sacrifices, etc. Mt 12:5; thirdly, from the design of the Sabbath; finally, from his own character and office, as God come in human nature to redeem man. As Jesus Christ is Lord of the Sabbath, and the day belongs to him, he has a right to direct as to the time and manner of observing it. Those who devote it to worldly business, travelling, or amusement, or who spend it in idleness, are guilty of robbing the Saviour, and expose themselves to his curse.
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