Matthew 21:23-27

These things; which he had been accomplishing at the temple and in other places. The authority of God, clearly and conclusively given, will not satisfy all, especially with regard to what they dislike. If a person have not their authority, or that of those with whom they associate, they will reject him, though he give unanswerable evidence of being sent of God. The baptism of John; his ministration and teaching.

Why did ye not then believe him? when he testified of me as the Messiah.
Many fear the people more than they fear God. It is often so with rulers: and truths which they reject, the common people receive gladly. The common people, the working people, should not be forbidden to read the word of God, and to think and judge for themselves; and when they learn what the truth of God is, they should not be hindered from obeying it.
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