Matthew 24:1-22

In the prophecy of this chapter, there is a double reference: first, to the destruction of the temple, and as connected with this the overthrow of the Jewish state and nation; secondly, to the end of the world. Both these events are included in the question of the disciples, ver 3, who seem to have connected them as inseparable from each other. The providential coming of the Son of man to destroy the city and temple, which was to be fulfilled before that generation had passed away, shadows forth, therefore, his more awful and majestic personal coming at "the end of the world." So far as the outward form of the prophecy is concerned, the first part is more occupied with the nearer event; the later, with the more distant. But it was not our Lord's purpose to reveal distinctly the separation of the two by a vast interval of time. The signs of the approaching catastrophy--wars, famine, pestilence, earthquakes, persecution, false prophets, etc.--were all fulfilled, as the history of these times shows, in respect to its nearer fulfilment in the destruction of Jerusalem. Another fulfilment remains for the last days. The darkening of the sun, moon, and stars, ver. 29, was fulfilled symbolically at the overthrow of the Jewish temple and city, this being a well-known emblem of revolutions and the fall of nations. See note on Isa 13:10, and the references. But it shall be literally fulfilled when heaven and earth shall pass away.

The temple; this temple was built by the Jews after their return from the Babylonish captivity, and greatly enlarged and beautified by Herod.
Thrown down; expressive of the utter destruction which took place about forty years after. It is a great privilege to be permitted to apply to Christ for instruction; for he can give us what we need, and in the best time and way. False teachers abound in all ages, and seek in various ways to draw away disciples after them. We should not believe every spirit, but try the spirits whether they be of God. 1Jo 4:1. In order to do this, all should study the Scriptures, and compare what they hear with the word of God. My name's sake; on account of their attachment to him. The hatred of men to Jesus Christ often shows itself in hatred to his people; and the manner in which men treat them, shows how, were he embodied and dwelling among men, they would treat him. Offended; let to forsake him, and apostatize from his religion. Endure; continue to obey Christ, notwithstanding all opposition. The sure and decisive test of friendship to Christ, in distinction from all counterfeits, is love to his character shown by perservering obedience to his commands. All the world; all the countries then known. The abomination of desolation; commonly understood of the eagles of the Roman standards, regarded as objects of idolatrous worship.

Stand in the holy place; encamped about Jerusalem.

Whoso readeth; Da 9:27; 12:11.

Let him understand; that the destruction foretold by the prophet Daniel more than five hundred years before, is now about to be accomplished.
Flee into the mountains; to save themselves, and prevent their being taken by the Romans. House-top; the tops of houses were then made flat, and persons often sat, walked, prayed, took their meals, and spent their nights upon them.

To take any thing; but flee by the shortest way, and in the quickest manner.
Woe; on account of the increased difficulty of fleeing. Winter--sabbath-day; because it would then be more difficult to escape. God's arrangements for the future are not so fixed that it is improper for us to pray that we may be favored in escaping from evils, and obtaining needed good. But while we pray, we must act; for in answering prayer, God encourages action, not idleness--the discharge of duty, not the neglect of it. Then shall be great tribulation; great distress. It is stated that eleven hundred thousand were slain, and in the neighborhood two hundred and fifty thousand more. Ninety-seven thousand were sold into perpetual bondage, and multitudes perished by famine, pestilence, and cruel treatment. Those days; days of distress.

No flesh be saved; all the covenant people would perish.

Elect's sake; those whom God had chosen to be his people. God orders the dispensations of providence and the manifestations of grace with special reference to his people; and in such a manner as shall secure their salvation.
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