Matthew 24:46

Matthew 26:53-56

Twelve legions; a Roman legion varied in number in different ages. In our Saviour's time it seems to have consisted of six thousand men. The idea is, vast multitudes. Scriptures; Ps 22:1,18; Isa 53:3-10; Da 9:24-26; Zec 13:7.

It must be; in order to fulfil the scriptures, and finish the work of redemption.
Forsook him; this was what Jesus meant by their being offended, and what he had foretold in verse Mt 26:31.

Luke 22:22

John 18:37

Art thou a king then? a king of any sort?

Thou sayest; this was equivalent to replying, I am a king. He then proceeded to show what kind of a king he was; one who came into the world to make known the truth, and to govern men not by force, but by spiritual influence. Pilate saw that his claims were no crime against the Roman government, and hence said,

John 19:11

Given thee from above; the power of the civil magistrate is from God, and to God he is accountable for the use of it.

He that delivered me; Caiaphas, as high-priest, representing the Jewish council.

The greater sin; guilty as Pilate was, the Jewish council was still more guilty. They had not only abused the power which God gave them, but were urging Pilate to abuse his; and they were doing it under greater light than he had. Judicial authority and power are gifts of God, for the use of which men are accountable to him; and injustice committed by magistrates under the cover of law, is among the most wicked of all transgressions.
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