Matthew 26:47-75

One of them; Peter. Twelve legions; a Roman legion varied in number in different ages. In our Saviour's time it seems to have consisted of six thousand men. The idea is, vast multitudes. Scriptures; Ps 22:1,18; Isa 53:3-10; Da 9:24-26; Zec 13:7.

It must be; in order to fulfil the scriptures, and finish the work of redemption.
Forsook him; this was what Jesus meant by their being offended, and what he had foretold in verse Mt 26:31. Afar off; on account of his fear of danger.

See the end; the end of the trial, and its results.
Found none; they found none that agreed in their testimony, or that could make out an accusation that had even the appearance of weight. Destroy the temple of God; this was false, both in the words used and in the meaning which they put upon them; he spoke of his body, and of rising again in three days. Joh 2:19-22. I adjure thee; he thus put him under oath to answer truly. Thou hast said; said the truth, I am the Christ.

Sitting--coming; this was claiming divine power and honor.
Rent his clothes; as a token of great indignation.

Blasphemy; in claiming to be the Messiah, the Son of God, and the judge of men.
Guilty of death; of a crime which deserves death. Le 24:16. Prophesy; they had previously covered his face, Mr 14:65, and in derision of the omniscience which he claimed, they called upon him to designate the persons who smote him. I know not; I do not understand what you mean. No past privileges or attainments can be relied on for future or even present support. God must give us day by day our daily supply of wisdom, goodness, and strength, or we shall have none. "Hold thou me up, and I shall be safe;" guide me, and I shall go in the right way. Thy speech; thy peculiar manner of speaking.

Betrayeth thee; showeth thee to be a Galilean.
Curse; imprecate God's curse if he uttered falsehood.

Swear; declare with an oath.
The word of Jesus; verse Mt 26:34.

Wept bitterly; on account of his sin, in denying his Lord. If a good man sin he will repent, mourn bitterly over his transgressions, and turn from them unto God. He has an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous. One look from Him will lead the penitent disciple to loathe himself, and to admire, adore, and trust in the Redeemer. His life will be holy; his death safe, if not peaceful and triumphant; and his eternity blessed.

Mark 14:43-72

Master, Master; appearing to acknowledge him as his Lord, and to be rejoiced to see him. The scriptures must be fulfilled; those scriptures which foretold that he would be taken and put to death. All forsook him, and fled; all the disciples, lest they should be taken also. In times of great danger, our dependence cannot safely be placed on men; not even on good men. They cannot trust themselves. Their good resolutions may vanish, and their courage die. There is no safe dependence but on God. A certain young man; who this young man was we have no means of knowing. He had perhaps been awakened by the tumult, hastily left his bed, cast a loose covering over him, and joined the crowd.

Young men; the soldiers or servants.

Laid hold on him; seized him, as if he were one of Christ's disciples.
The council; the sanhedrim, which was the highest Jewish tribunal.

Found none; none that testified in such a manner as to answer their purpose.
Made with hands; this was not true. What he did say, and what he meant, is stated in Joh 2:19-21. No one knows to what depths of iniquity a good man, when left to himself, will fall. He may deny his best friend, desert his greatest benefactor, and even testify and swear to a known lie. Were it not for the grace of God, he would never rise, but sink lower and lower in wickedness and woe for ever. One of them; one of the disciples of Jesus. Thy speech agreeth thereto; he spoke like a Galilean.
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