Matthew 5:2-11

Poor in spirit; the humble, who feel their dependence on God in all things, temporal and spiritual, and look to him for the supply of every want; more especially those who feel their need, as sinners, of spiritual blessings, and look to Jesus Christ to grant them. Isa 66:2.

Kingdom of heaven; the blessings of Messiah's reign in this world and the next. Chap Mt 3:2. True happiness does not consist in external condition, but in the state of the mind.
They that mourn; over their spiritual wants, and over sin as the guilty cause of them; who long for spiritual blessings, and come to Jesus Christ for them, according to his directions. Re 3:18. This beatitude includes also all the mourning to which God's children are subjected by the chastening through which God prepared them for the everlasting joy of heaven. Compare Heb 12:5-12. The meek; those who are gentle and forgiving, submissive and teachable, patient under injuries, disposed not to render evil for evil, but to overcome evil with good.

Inherit the earth; receive and enjoy every earthly and spiritual blessing that is for their best good here, and reign with Christ for ever hereafter. The sinful and lost condition of men need not hinder them from being truly and for ever blessed.
Hunger and thirst after righteousness; ardently desire to be and do right because it is right; trusting not in their own righteousness, but in the righteousness of Christ, which by the apostle is called the righteousness of God by faith of Jesus Christ which is unto all and upon all them that believe. Ro 3:22.

Be filled; receive what they desire, and be satisfied. Ps 17:15.
The merciful; those who feel for the sufferings of others, and are disposed to relieve them.

Mercy; from God. Compare Chap Mt 25:34-45. God requires us to exercise the compassion towards others which we need to have exercised towards us.
Pure in heart; freed from the dominion and pollution of sin.

See God; have right views of him, and enjoy his presence here and hereafter.
Peacemakers; those who desire and seek to have all men at peace with God, with their own consciences, and with one another.

Children of God; those who imitate him, and whom he will make heirs according to his promise. Ro 8:17.
Righteousness' sake; on account of their being and doing right. Great opposition to men is no certain evidence that they are wrong. Falsely; when the evil which is said of you is false.

For my sake; on account of your attachment and likeness to me.
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