Matthew 8:5-13

Centurion; a Roman officer who had command of a "century," consisting generally of about a hundred men. Those who have the most exalted views of Jesus Christ, have humble and abasing views of themselves. Under authority; to my superior officers, and therefore knowing how to render prompt obedience.

Having soldiers under me; and therefore knowing how to receive prompt obedience. He means to say, Just as I obey and am obeyed, so thou hast only to command, and diseases will come and go at thy bidding.
So great faith; such strong confidence in the power of Christ to do whatever he pleased.

In Isreal; among the Jews, whose spiritual advantages were much greater than those of any other people.
Many; from among the Gentiles and people less favored with light. Many, with small advantages, look to Christ and live; while others, whose advantages are much greater, reject him and perish. Children of the kingdom; Jews favored with great privileges.

Outer darkness; the darkness without the banqueting-hall, which is brightly illuminated. Compare Chap Mt 22:13. The banqueting-hall here represents the kingdom of heaven, and the outer darkness, hell.
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