Revelation of John 12:3

A great red dragon; the pagan Roman empire, considered as the agent of the devil, and animated with his spirit. Red or purple was the distinguishing color of the Roman emperors, as it has since been of the popes and cardinals.

Seven heads; explained in chap Re 17:9, to mean the seven hills of Rome and her seven kings; that is, as commonly interpreted, the seven forms of government which prevailed in Rome. See note to chap Re 17:9.

Ten horns; the ten kingdoms into which the Roman empire was ultimately divided. See Da 7:24, where the Roman empire is represented by the same general symbol.

Seven crowns upon his heads; not, as afterwards, upon his horns. The Roman empire is always represented in prophecy in its whole duration. But the seven crowns upon its heads indicate that the seat of empire is yet in Rome; not, as afterwards, in the ten kingdoms which rise out of the old empire. Compare chap Re 13:1, where the crowns are on the horns, and the explanation of the angel, chap Re 17:12.
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